Thursday, May 03, 2012

Chapter 10: Assessment in the Partnering Pedagogy

Discuss the most important role of student assessment...


Unknown said...

Finding more ways to assess my students is an area that i feel i need to improve. This chapter helped me come up with some ideas, such as the real-world assessment. I think that it would be a good idea to have the students create a screen cast or a video of them solving a certain problem, then have other people around the world trying to help them, or point out errors they might have made. I feel students can feel uncomfortable showing their work to their classmates, but would feel more comfortable showing it to someone they dont know thats in some other part of the world. I feel formative assessments are extremely useful to the students and the the teacher as well, because then the teacher is able to try and guide their instruction toward the students' weaknesses or be aware of their weaknesses when walking around and helping them. One thing i do have my students do constantly is a self assessment. The day after a homework I will start class with giving the students an answer key to the homework and they look through it to see what mistakes they made and how to go about not making the same mistake twice. This seems to work really well with the students and also saves class time, because some of their questions that they would ask me can be answered through my answer key that i worked out for them.

Anonymous said...

I think finding a successful way to assess a student is one of the hardest things. Right now, we just have papers that have certain categories on it that we sit down with a child and ask if they recognize certain letters or numbers, etc. This assessment is gone over with the parents to discuss where the child needs help. We never actually sit down with the child and discuss it with them. They are only five years old but maybe if they realize where they are lacking they can find their own ways to change that. As teachers, we must also go over each assessment and think of new ways to help the child because obviously the old way is not working.

I liked the idea of real-world assessment that allows everyone to give feedback. It reminded me of the video we saw in class of the kid with the bow and spindle. He received so much feedback from many different people to help him achieve success.

I think if we were to incorporate peer assessment into the class I think we should find a way to make people's work anonymous when they are being looked at by others. This way students won't feel nervous or uncomfortable with friends looking at their work. The teacher would keep a copy with the students name on it and can match it the anonymous to hand back after everyone has looked everything over.

One part that bothered me is the parent assessment. From my own personal experience and to me it is extremely sad, is that some parents just honestly do not care. In the class I am now, there are more parents than ever that do not care. In the beginning of the year after assessments, we have presented to parents that their children are weak in certain areas and suggested ways to help them at home. And now, those students are still struggling in those areas. I know as teachers we need to find new ways to teach the information but the parents to be involved as well. I really need to find a way to make parents more involved in their child's education.

Math Chat with Mrs. Owens said...

Student assessment is a tool used to determine if students are learning. Students learn at their own pace. Not every student is going to learn everything taught in a given curriculum. Student success is measured in improvement. Assessments should not just be an indication of the grade the student receives, but rather, they should reveal what the student still needs to work on.

I find that many teachers don’t go over tests or quizzes. That makes no sense to me. Why do we encourage students to fold up an exam and put it in the back of their minds? Some teachers will probably say, “There’s no time!” So what was the point of giving the assessment in the first place? So we could label a student 75%? That’s something we all should think about…

I agree with Prensky when he said that the most important kind of assessment is self-assessment. And he’s right, we don’t do it enough. Students will use self-assessment long after they leave our classrooms. We are so concerned with getting students actively participating in their own learning that we forget about getting them involved in their own progress. Students should be aware of how they are doing and it should not be us who has to tell them. If we show them how to reflect on their work and lead them in the direction of self-assessment, we could be surprised with how much they improve because of it. If students are aware of what they know and don’t know (and not because they got it wrong on our test), they will be more likely to concentrate on improving the skills they are weakest in.

AngelaM said...

Without assessing students, there would be no way to know if the student are in fact actually learning and progressing and reaching the goals set for them by the teacher. Assessments also are important because they can help show which students are having problems and in what areas they need help so teachers can work with those students to help them reach their goals. If teachers never assessed their students they would have no idea which students were struggling and they certainly would have no idea if their students were learning anything at all. Students also need feedback from people, not necessarily just their teachers, but feedback is always helpful and useful to help students improve. If students just do work and never receive any feedback as to how their work is, or opinions on it, then what is motivating them to want to continue doing work because it would seem to them like nobody cared enough to actually look at what they did.

Aocean Clarke said...

Assessment is one of the most important roles in educating students because it lets us know if they are really comprehending the information. There are many ways to assess students in the classroom today , but many of these ways are not successful. As educators we need to implement the successful ways of assessment. I think one important form of assessment that was discussed was self assessment. This will help students to evaluate and examine their own work and determine their weakness. This will most importantly allow them ways to figure out how and where they need to improve.I also liked the peer assessment which can be used through technology on sites such as blogs and youtube and other publishing sites. This give students feedback from all over the world from people who may be young, old, experienced and non-experienced. Also as technology changes so does assessment so we must incorporate these things into our assessment. We must assess students with things they are comfortable and familiar with, such as technological tools. Also assessment should be ongoing because everyday a students abilities may change. Each day teachers should be giving feedback and praise to their class.

Amanda said...

In Chapter 10, Prensky says that most assessment is basically just sorting and comparing, using standardized tests to rank students, schools, and countries.. but it doesn't actually help the learner. Assessment should answer questions regarding the students improvement, skills, and future.
In a partnering class, its important to utilize formative assessments to gauge what the students know and how they are progressing through the unit/lesson. To use formative assessments most effectively, feedback on the work should be given with ample time to improve for the next assignment.
Ipsative assessment can also then be employed, which refers to beating your personal best. To reference sports as I did in the previous post, "you are only as good as your last game." This applies to work in the classroom: If you are constantly improving, you are constantly beating your best, but when you drop below your potential and performance, you can't progress.
Peer assessment and work shopping can also be useful assessments for students to see opinions and compare their work and ideas with others. This can be done on blogs, social networking site like Hall, or videos and podcasts with more public audiences.
Similar to "making it real," when students posting work for a public audience the quality of their work increases. Not only can students receive input and feedback from peers, but also other educators, experts, and people around the world from sharing their work from bogs and posted videos.
Students should also reflect on their assignments and progress, but teachers need to help give them the tools and methods to question themselves and critique their own work. Partnering students should also be evaluated on their use of technology to enhance their learning experience.
Eventually students will face standardized tests, whether at the state or national level, but using these types of assessment in your class throughout the year will make students better learners to the point that not only do they understand the curriculum, but they know how to decipher the information given to them they may not fully understand.

Matthew Kennedy said...

Discuss the most important role of student assessment

The current role of student assessment comes in the shape of comparing or ranking the growth in a classroom to the rest of the outside world. Test scores are ranking across a class, social group, city, and more. Even countries are comparing their growth to one another, which honestly is not what children are very much interested in. Why would they be? Most do not even care whether he or she has moved up and down in relation to the rest of the class. Right now, I rarely give out quizzes or tests when teaching economics because most of these seniors really could care less about their grades.

If anything, most of the projects or classwork that I have assigned allows them to look into their future or what their role will be in the future, via career research, and to showcase skills they have just learned, by purchasing stock on the NYSE in small groups. The most important role of assessment is allowing students to gauge whether or not they have improved , if their skills are getting better, and whether these new skills will improve their future preparation. Revolving student's assessment around this is way more important than the test grade or the feedback after the fact of students submitting work. I believe peer assessment could serve a purpose in my future classes.

Peer assessment can give students a feeling that their work has a real-world audience that actually cares about their work. Giving it more meaning than when only a teacher reads it. Students are also able to appreciate the work of classmates and where their work actually stands in relation to them. Digital technology makes this a much easier feat as well. Posting work via blogs or other sharing sites allows for comments from other students. When these comments are made in the public domain of the internet it adds to the value of them. I feel that an addition, such as this, will add value and offer feedback that students need right now. The only thing the teacher should be doing in this scenario is guiding the students' through the type of feedback that one might feel necessary for each assignment.

Huberte Desmar said...

As a school psychologist intern I administer several cognitive assessments in a week. AS explained in the chapter, academic and cognitive assessments are formal types of assessments and are very useful in identifying students’ strengths and weaknesses. Teachers may also use informal assessments which are usually running records of students’ performance on certain curriculum based tests. I think teachers can discover a lot about students’ academic abilities as well as their learning styles in the classroom. Once teachers are able to understand a student’s academic weaknesses and strengths, they will be able to identify appropriate strategies for these students in order for them to learn successfully. As a school psychology intern, I learn how to select appropriate academic interventions for students who are struggling based on what I know about their strengths and weaknesses. It is important for teachers provide assessments on students who are at-risk for learning.

estarr said...

Assessing your students is so important for many reasons. It shows the teacher where the students are academically and tells the teacher when they can move on and when their students are struggling with a certain topic. Without assessments, teachers would be unaware to who is stuggling with what and they would not be able to work to their students individual needs. Assessments also gives students feedback and lets them know how they are doing and what they need to focus more or less on. I really like self assessments because after doing your work, checking it is key to not making the same mistake.

1Superwoman said...

The role of student assessment is important in order to determine how well a student is performing academically. It helps teachers to identify whether the student is “at risk” of failing and requires intervention or above level and requires more challenging work. Assessments help us to make the necessary changes to instruction. It is a way to progress check and meet student’s needs and help them achieve their learning goals. Peer Assessments work well because the students are able to use digital tools to share their work online by communicating with other peers, exchanging their thoughts and opinions and seeing how their work stands in comparison. Real- World- Assessments are also great because it gives students a global audience and feedback.

Karen R said...

Student assessments are important because they allow the teacher to see how her students are progressing and let students see how they are performing as well. Without any form of assessment, how would we as teachers know what our students are comprehending and what we need to review further? Assessments help teachers modify their instruction so students get the most out of it. They allow teachers to individualize instruction for every student. For example, if an assessment showed that only a handful of students are struggling with a concept, the teacher can give work with these students in a small group in the next class, while the rest of the students are working on something else.
I think that peer assessments give students the motivation to do their best work. Students will want to work harder when they know that their peers will see thier work and comment on it. Also,the feedback provided may have a more positive effect when coming from another student rather than the teacher.

ali.incarnato said...

Discuss the most important role of student assessment...

Assessment has always been a section of teaching that I struggle the most with I feel. When assessing students there are many different ways to check for learning. You can do it in the middle of a lesson to see how the students are learning the lesson or you can do it at the end of a lesson. It is also a great tool for teachers because it allows you to see which students are grasping the concepts and which students are struggling. Shows a teacher what they need to review more and when they can move on with the information. Assessment should not just be for the teachers though. The teacher must give feedback to the students and this should not be in the form of a letter or number grade on a test at the end of the unit. Feedback must be given to students constantly I believe. I feel that one of the best assessments is a self-assessment done by the students, as a teacher you can then compare what you feel and give feedback so the student can then understand what they need to work on or if they are doing well.

Christine Berg said...

Discuss the most important role of student assessment.

Prensky suggests that most past assessments are summative, which gives no supportive feedback other than ranking one student performance against another. More useful assessments would be abundant in feedback helping students to learn from their mistakes. Ipsative, peer, real-world, and tool-based assessments give both the teacher and student a better idea of their strengths and weaknesses. Teachers will have a broader scope of each student’s capabilities and may be able to identify at-risk youth more clearly. Further, these are the types of assessments they are more likely to encounter post-education. After all, I believe teachers primary goal should be to prepare students for what awaits them beyond the classroom walls so they may become productive members of the global community.

Unknown said...

Assessment is a very useful tool in a classroom. It allows the teacher to see topics that he/she should review and shows what students are grasping the concepts. I agree with Prenskey that formative assessment works well in helping students. The feedback given to students as a result of formative assessment is a great way for all people in the classroom to understand where they are in terms of mastery. I like the idea of self-assessment and peer assessment for formative assessment. In a physical education class checklists and exit cards are great ways to formative assess. In an classroom environment I have come to like the idea of using cell phones for students to complete questionnaires. Although, I feel this is something that I would have to work at. I am cautious that students to misuse their phones during this time. I feel I have used Ipsative assessment in my physical education class before. Although, I never called it by this name, I often motivate my students to improve their score every time they perform the skills at hand. Assessment is something useful to both the teacher and the student. Although I am happy with the types of assessments that I use in my own class I am working to perfect it for each student individually. Each one of our students will be able to show their skills best in a different way so differentiating assessment and giving choices is key.

Unknown said...

Assessment is a very useful tool in a classroom. It allows the teacher to see topics that he/she should review and shows what students are grasping the concepts. I agree with Prenskey that formative assessment works well in helping students. The feedback given to students as a result of formative assessment is a great way for all people in the classroom to understand where they are in terms of mastery. I like the idea of self-assessment and peer assessment for formative assessment. In a physical education class checklists and exit cards are great ways to formative assess. In an classroom environment I have come to like the idea of using cell phones for students to complete questionnaires. Although, I feel this is something that I would have to work at. I am cautious that students to misuse their phones during this time. I feel I have used Ipsative assessment in my physical education class before. Although, I never called it by this name, I often motivate my students to improve their score every time they perform the skills at hand. Assessment is something useful to both the teacher and the student. Although I am happy with the types of assessments that I use in my own class I am working to perfect it for each student individually. Each one of our students will be able to show their skills best in a different way so differentiating assessment and giving choices is key.

Unknown said...

Discuss the most important role of student assessment.

In the past, Prensky discusses that teachers had originally looked at assessment as just a way to sort students. But, Prensky argues that assessment that is viewed that way is not helpful for the students at all. Assessment should be used to benefit students not harm them. Assessment should also be beneficial for the teacher as well. Assessment needs to be viewed as more than just giving and grading tests. Assessment can help us as teachers to be better at what we do everyday in the classroom. If we use the assessment in this way, we can create future lessons that will help our students retain information that is taught.

Larissa said...

Discuss the most important role of student assessment.

I agree with Melanie, assessment should be used to benefit students not harm them. I don’t think there is one method of assessment that works best for all students, because not everyone is the same. Each of us learns and processes information differently; therefore we should take the time to assess our students using a method that works best for them. Providing them with helpful feedback, encouraging them to do better then their last assignment, and teaching them how to self-assess are most important because they are tools that can benefit their work and education. These methods can also become useful outside of the classroom environment, and be carried over into the real world.

Unknown said...

The most important role of assessment is self-assessment. There are many different types of assessment that support partnering; ipsative (personal best), peer (assessed my peers), real world (assessed by peers globally), but self-assessment is the most crucial. Feedback provided by teachers and peers is very useful and needed at times, but self-assessment is a life skill that needs to be taught to students. Students will assess all aspects of their life when in the real world. Students will self-assess themselves frequently. It is vital for students to self-assess their progress (or lack thereof), decide where they stand, and most importantly, provide themselves with feedback. In order to learn from self-assessment, students need to provide themselves with feedback in the form of 'how can I improve/better myself?' With this information, students are beginning to lay the groundwork of their future actions, which will hopefully help the students improve in whatever they are assessing. Self-assessment, as well as all other assessment forms, should be conducted continuously. This supplies students with their own source of feedback when other people’s feedback is not needed/available. Self-assessment is a life skill that students should master in order to constantly be improving and bettering themselves.

Unknown said...

I think the most important role of student assessment depends on the audience. At first glance, I thought that student assessment is used for simply ranking students based on their test taking abilities or knowledge of their content. However, after reading the chapter, I realized that partnering can have an impact on assessments and that assessments should be used to help individuals, rather than to compare scores with others. I agree that self-assessment is a critical type of assessment because it is something that students should be using throughout their lives and beyond their time in the classroom. Self-assessment can be used by students to see where they stand in any area. The students can also benefit from providing themselves with feedback (positive and negative) and use this to improve/better themselves. It is important for students to learn to provide their own feedback, because sometimes another person will not be around or able to “assess” them. I also liked ipsative assessments where a student pushes themselves to do their personal best. This can be done individually because a student can see where they are with a particular skill and set goals to improve. Peer assessment also provides feedback from another audience and allows students to feel as if their work is valued. The use of technology makes it easy for students to branch out to different audiences and receive feedback. I also liked real world feedback because it motivates students to create their best quality work. However, I believe that understanding their own progress and evaluating their own work in self-assessment is the most crucial. The fact that this type of assessment will be used throughout their lives makes it necessary to be used more often in their education

Unknown said...

The role of assessment is to be useful for both student and teacher. According to Prensky, useful assessment consist of ispative, peer, real world, and self. They are all formative ways in which a student can find ways to improve themselves. I do agree with Prensky. School and classroom assessment should be geared towards improvement and students' comprehension not just grade and placement. This wholesome approach of assessment can provide students with necessary tools that can be adaptable in their personal life and future careers for school never ends in the classroom.

Unknown said...

Discuss the most important role of student assessments:

Assessment is most important and most resourceful when it is used to assist the student and not harm them. There is no point to provide students with an assessment they will fail. An assessment is something to monitor student’s achievements and areas of weakness. As educators we should use these areas or weakness to better prepare further material and re teach what was not clear to the students. Every day students are being assessed formally and informally. Both assessments are useful but formal assessments are what determine the student’s grades. It is useless and unfair to provide a student one opportunity to show their success. If a student fails a test it is marked in the book and put towards their final grade and the teachers and class move on to the next subject. This is silly, the student has learned nothing and has become turned off to the subject because most likely they are now in trouble for a poor test grade or report card grade. Teachers need to take that assessment and find ways to re-teach that material in order for the student grade to rise. Teacher’s use of informal assessment is much more useful and reliable for students. The feedback the students receive usually helps them more and allows them to understand what they did not.

Latesha said...

The most important role of student assessment:

The role of student assessments can be very meaningful if used appropriately. When used properly, they can show whether or not if the students are meeting their goals. These assessments should be used to measure to progress of the students in order to help them. This can also be useful in setting personal goals by allowing them to have a better understanding of their achievements. Assessments can also be useful if it provides feedback from others, which could encourage them to do better in their academics.

Latesha said...
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Latesha said...
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Unknown said...

I believe that assessments are imperative in the learning process. It is a source of constructive criticism, feedback, appraisal, evaluation and measure. Assessments set the barometer or the start point of a student’s perception of a lesson, they prove the learning process to be effective or not, as well they gauge whether the student is learning and at and at what rate. Based on this chapter it is my understanding that useful assessments are not only a teachers measure of academic success but are also a measure of one’s peers, the real world and moreover of oneself; their ipsative. I come from a generation on tracking, this method left some students in what was deem a “dunce cap” /dummy class (C-track), some in the middle/average class (B-track) and few at the top (A-track). This was the least effective method of measurement because it set the student apart and was based on comparing the students. There was no assessment in the tracking system a student either succeeded or failed. It is evident the tracking is and was harmful to the students involved in this method of measure. There was no room from the child who learns differently to excel. Assessment as described in chapter 10 opens a stable, encouraging and harmless way of assessing which will enrich the students. The student can self assess and see their growth and display what an educator may have overlooked. I feel the most important is the ipsative assessment. When any person is striving for their personal best it leaves no room for comparison or getting left behind. This method of assessment will produce thriving students. Self assessment is a practice that should be embedded on ones psyche and carried through life.

Oskeete said...

Discuss the most important role of student assessment.

Before this class I believed that as a future educator there was a variety of ways that I could assess my students. I felt that I could assess simply by observing them. Little things they do or say over the course of a day. Observing can provide clues about social, emotional and motivational factors affecting classroom performance. I also believed that using performance assessment tasks, journals, class work, tests and classroom discussions and discussion questions for assessing my students would be a great way to assess students. Now that I have read this chapter I continue to feel this way however, I agree with Prensky and now feel that self-assessment it’s the most crucial role of student assessment.

Students should learn to understand what excellence looks like in the work associated with the topic. Students should learn strategies for assessing their own learning. They should also have opportunities to reflect individually and in groups on how well they work together to solve problems. I believe that when students use their assessments to set specific goals, they can take advantage of instruction to improve their work to be more like the exemplars and monitor their thinking and teamwork.

This ability to monitor one's own learning may be one of the most important benefits of formative assessment. Self-assessment helps students become independent learners who understand their own strengths and needs and know how to set goals and monitor their own progress.

Mrs.S. blog said...

Describe the most important role of student assessment

According to the book the most commom assessment teachers do these days are summative and formative assessment. Summative assesment is a score on a test with no feedback and formative assessment inlcudes paper and tests marked with comments that usually the feedback from the teacher comes too late so it does little to help students to improve. This common two student assessments can harm some students instead of helping them to improve. I think that to assess a student these days teachers need to individualized them to better understand their needs and to support them in areas that they need it. I think a combination of assessment that Prensky mentioned in the book could be beneficial for students such as ipsative (encourage student to do better and better), real word (include evaluation from a global audience) and allowing students to use their tools (such as cellphones), peer assessement (feedback from other students), I would do this by not telling the student name of the student we are assessing.

Unknown said...

Typically, assessment is used to gauge the academic performance of a particular student or group of students against other students. However, assessment should not serve as a comparison or ranking amongst other students. It is imperative that assessments are for the benefit of each individual student as opposed to the teacher. The most important role of assessment should be to help students recognize their strengths, weaknesses, what areas they are doing well in, what areas they need to improve upon, and should motivate them to strive for their personal best.
Teachers can, and should, promote this by offering their students lots of encouragement, and giving students helpful, specific feedback that they allow their students to actually use in order to improve. Often times, students complete assignments and tests, they hand them in to their teachers, and the teacher hand them back with a letter or numerical grade with little to no feedback accompanying the grades. Even if feedback is provided, it’s provided after the fact, and it’s on to the next subject. This feedback will only be helpful if students are given feedback throughout the learning process, and allowed opportunities to actually consider, practice and apply that feedback. If teachers could do this, it would make assessment much more valid and effective.