Friday, October 26, 2012

Technology in our Classrooms

"...the path to technology integration feels like an insane hamster wheel."  Read Tips for Tech-autious Teachers  from Ed Week and compare and contrast it to our class discussion from this evening.  As you write, think about how you will begin in your classroom and what you value in your classroom.  Finally, think about the 4Cs (Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking, and Creativity) and how you can leverage the use of technology in teaching the "skills" that our students need to be successful in this changed world.


Unknown said...

Leonell D. Santos
Dr. Smith
Managing Inclusive Environment

Historically the human being has invented things that have help in the development of the economy, education and the benefit of society in general; in this case I’m going to give a perspective of how to improve the use of technology in the classroom. Comparing a classroom from 1950 to a classroom today, there are some differences. The classroom in 1950 did not have the advances and tools that a classroom today has, but at the same time there was that sense of curiosity and desire to learn new stuff as today. Teachers today have a great advantage to develop a great and motivational lesson in the classroom and the use of technology in the classroom is a great strategy to reach the students. In my personal opinion I agree that as a teacher we need to give ourselves time to learn new stuff, I mean we are human we don’t know everything and if we want to cause a great positive influence on this generation we need to stop for a moment and reflect what things I need to improve as a professional. Also we need to be open mind and be able to see what the real need of the students is. As teachers we are also humans that sometimes come to the classroom with ideas and preconceptions that not support the learning process. In my personal opinion I think we are in one of the best moment to take advantages to the technology in the classroom. Comparing this reading with the discussion of technology in classroom, I think this is fun, interesting, educational and innovative for students and teachers. The uses of technology in classroom can open doors to creativity, new ways to give a class, more participation, the classroom change totally, is a new discovery every day and reach those students that are not able to perform in the traditional classroom with textbook and board. So we are the teachers of the future generation we need to prepare ourselves first to deliver the best education and let them flow with creativity. This is our time!

Unknown said...

Part 1-
Technology implemented into the classrooms is a great way to keep up with the ever-changing times and motivate students to stay interested in all their course subjects and whatever it may be that they are learning. Technology is being used everywhere now. It’s enhancing lives. I think everyone should take the initiative to learn the latest technologic advances. You’ll be surprised what you can do with all these new tools! I know I have. In our class discussion on technology I was so amazed at how many programs and new technology apparatus that can be used in the classroom. I am excited to start to use all this in my future classroom for enhancing teaching and for a better learning experience for the kids! I know and understand it can seem intimidating and overwhelming for some teachers to change and try to use the latest technology, but it will benefit all of us involved in education especially for the students. We need to jump into the students’ technology-savvy world! We need to adapt to their technologic life style they were born into and live in. This is a great opportunity to learn how technology can boost our teaching skills that the students will prosper from. It’s the only way we are going to implement change and get students to receive the modern day education they deserve.

From what I have seen, once tech-cautious teachers actually learn and try new technologic advances and get the hang of it, (like myself at times) they are excited that they actually took the initiative to learn about new technologies. They see and gain an insight on how much easier and more creative it makes the learning and teaching process in their classrooms. For example, the Smart Board, this makes teaching so much more interesting and fun for the students to learn and visualize more. I’ve heard teachers complain they had to learn how to use it because they were being greatly encouraged to utilize it in their classrooms. I do understand how they feel, but once you start to use it you will see the advantages it brings. It has worked great for the presentations and lessons I have done over the last few years. The kids seem to be very happy with it. It makes teaching and expressing new ideas and material a whole lot easier. People seem to be scared to use new technology, (as I sometimes am at first, I’ll admit), as it can be nerve-racking and frustrating at times. I think it is exciting to learn new things, especially within technology. We as educators need to take the chance to incorporate more technology into our classrooms to benefit the whole education process.

Unknown said...

Part 2-
I agree, if we want our students to constantly be learning then we (the teachers and educators) need to do the same. The class tonight about technology was very interesting. Some of it I have seen and even used a few times and some I have never seen before. I am amazed at all these new technology tools that can be used in so many ways! I am excited to use these technology advances in the classroom.
This article “Tips for Tech-Cautious Teachers” relates to our discussion in class on technology in the classroom. Some teachers refuse to use new technology tools, apps and programs. It is a very interesting article. It is sometimes frustrating for teachers to keep up with all the new technology, but what we have to remember is that it is for the benefit of our students learning and staying engaged in what they are learning. Part of the reward I’ve seen for myself is that when I use certain technology programs (even just able to navigate the smart board) the students that I have had in the past are impressed! It is a great feeling to have your students in awe with you because you used something that they know so well. They like when you use and venture into their world of technology! I’ve seen them become much more interested in the topics and subject matter. If there is something that is not working properly, the students are very willing and able to help. I am amazed at what they know about technology and what can be learned from them as well.

In my classroom I will set up a wiki space page and blog post much like this class is run, which I am impressed by. I will post blog questions and they can go on and answer in a blog. When I assign group work I will have them create a Google-Doc to share information. They can add information with their fellow students in the group online and be able to work together on a project without having to actually be with one other.

All this technology will help students master the 4 C’s. When we think about bringing the 4 C’s into the classroom, we don’t need to necessary add things. The best way to help students master these skills is to change how we teach and learn in our classrooms. It is the process of learning, not the content of learning that addresses the 4 C’s. Technology is also a perfect instrument for facilitating this. This isn’t just about learning how to use technology or even teaching with technology tools, it is about students creating and constructing with technology.
We help students build creativity and critical thinking by the types of questions we ask them to respond to. With all of the information that can easily be found online, we no longer need to have students think of things, but think about them. Just like in our class discussion, we want kids to know what to do, when they don’t know what to do (or not know something.) Just Google it!
Students should be building communication skills that reflect the media rich world they are surrounded by. Rather than writing an essay or a report about a subject they are learning, I would ask students to help solve a problem and let them share a solution in the form of a digital story, video journal, animated news broadcast, or interactive game.
While you can encourage students to respond to a question in multiple ways without technology tools, multimedia tools engage student’s different intelligences and interests and naturally encourage them to create answers and responses that reflect their individuality and unique ideas. While we often think about collaboration in terms of connecting with experts or emailing experts, technology tools, like the Google-Docs, are allowing for collaboration on documents. This is what and why technology was created for, to make life easier and enhance our lives. Why not utilize it in our classrooms as much as we can, little by little, one step at a time!

Elisa Passarella said...

The first thought that comes to mind when comparing this article to our class discussion is that I almost feel like one of the Tech-Cautious! I think I am relatively good with technology, if only because I have the patience to really sit down and give my time to exploring all facets of a new program, etc. But, our last class kind of left my head spinning: who knew there were so many options out there for teachers to use in the classroom! What is an even scarier thought is the fact that I know we only hit the tip of the iceberg when it comes to using technology in the classroom. I think the whole class was a little overwhelming, but after reading the article I now understand that not everything is supposed to be used. I definitely noticed this in class as well, but as the article states, some technologies might work great for my classes, some might not. I think it is really my main job to find out which are worth my time to explore deeper, and which should just be passed on.

I think using technology in the classroom is necessary. There are so many ways that it cannot only make things faster and easier for my students and I, but also ways that it can clarify instruction. For example, some biological processes are a little hard to understand, especially those involved with chemistry. There are many technological resources out there that give a virtual look inside these processes: an extremely theoretical chemical process can now be depicted for students to observe and manipulate. I think my main value in my classroom is making sure the students learn as much as possible. This cannot happen unless I do my job as a teacher and give the students multiple ways to learn, and find the ways to teach my students that is best for them. I think the incorporation of technology in the classroom is one way that this can be accomplished.

Lastly, I think any teacher that refuses to use technology in the classroom is not only ignoring some great opportunities for him or her as a teacher, but is also withholding important skills from his or her students. There is no denying that our world is becoming increasingly immersed in the tech world. Ignoring this in our classroom is not giving our students the information and skills they need to succeed when they graduate. I think it is our job, no matter what our subject area, to get students familiar with technology and its different functions. I think giving students the chance to work with technology more allows them to hit all of the 4 C’s at once, depending on the program they are using at the time. If we don’t allow this growth and exploration of technology with our students, they will never gain the skills that are necessary to succeed in our changed world.

Christopher Schimpf said...

The most important point I found from this article and our discussion is that technology is a tool. That is all that it is; a tool. Just like any other tool in the classroom we must remember our goal to enlighten our students; more specifically the 4Cs. Just as we want our students to discover and learn, we must do the same with technology. I partially disagree with the author about keeping your blinders on. I have found in my experience that those who are 'Tech-autious' tend to become very comfortable with one piece of technology and then get stuck there. They must jump into technology and learn how to be comfortable with the consistent change. I believe as long as the mind set is not that it will happen overnight we can learn to use technology anyway we want.

I do not believe at any given point you should be able to answer "How can I use technology?". It should be "What would be a great tool to accomplish a specific goal?". If that answer involves technology then you should use it. This is where I completely agree with the author. She provides excellent evaluation questions when finding the usefulness of a tool. Every tool has the potential to do all of these things if as teachers we can implement them properly.

Unknown said...

I am a huge fan of technology. For me it started when I was in elementary school. I was in a gifted and talented program and a few times a week the group of us was pulled out of our regular classes to do other things and one of these things was learning DOS and how to write programs on a computer. I honestly do not remember any of this as it became obsolete with the inventions of windows. I however still see the value of learning that at that age and feel that we are living in the age of technology so a person has to either embrace it or get left in the dust. In my years in the classroom I have already embraced the world of technology. I have also encountered many tech-cautious individuals ranging from hesitant to outright refusal. Have used technology to my advantage already I see the value in implementing it in the class. It is an incredibly useful tool and helps the teacher assist their students on so many new levels.
I have used multiple media outlets in the past. In one district I worked in they had something called an e-board. This allowed the teacher to post messages to the students and upload information for the students. You could have different tabs for your various classes. It also allowed the students to get information while not at school. Since then I have made a Google site. Here I have links to extra help sites as well as every power point or worksheet that we used in class. One year I was teaching chemistry to a class of special education students. Every one of them were 504 students. That year I made special times where I made myself available to have online chat to give extra help with homework. There are so many new avenues that are being introduced and its crucial to keep moving forward with them. The students we have do not know a world without technology and we need to remember this present materials to them in ways that they are comfortable with and make ourselves as comfortable with it as them.

Unknown said...

During our class discussion, we mentioned several different types of cool technology websites that can be used to enhance students’ learning. Some of the websites mentioned in class and in the article was Edmodo, Twitter, Google docs, YouTube, etc. As a non-techi person most of these websites were foreign to me, I have heard of Twitter but I do not really know how to use it nor how would it be beneficial in a class. During our discussion we focused more on teaching the students, whereas the article focused more on the teachers being learners themselves. I strongly believe with the articles point of view. Before we can incorporate any type of technology within a class, we as educators need to be well verse with the software. For example most teachers are now using smart board, yes it is very useful and engaging for the students but what happens when it doesn’t work? What happen if one of the pointers doesn’t work? What do you do? Chances are teachers would just file a complaint to the technology staff member rather than taking the time to play around with the smart board and get it to work. As educators we need to take a risk in introducing new concepts into the classroom especially with technology.
The reason why teachers may be hesitant to incorporate technology within the class may be because they feel it depersonalizes the class. Believe it or not but technology is shaping the future of our society and if we don’t get on board with technology, then expect most of your students to fall off track if you’re still following the 1989 teaching style. Technology can depersonalize a class only if you let it happen. Should students learn only base on technology? Of course not; if this were true then there would be even more teachers being laid off. I am not persuading teachers to use programs such as Khan Academy to teach an entire curriculum, instead teachers should learn how to use the program efficiently and have it as a resource for the students.

Unknown said...

Technology can be a very useful tool in education if the person operating it knows how to use it properly. The problem that is arising (shown in both this article and our class discussion) is that there are a lot of individuals who don't know how to implement technology as a useful tool in the classroom. From my own observations, I've seen some teachers waste too much time on trying to figure out what they're doing when using tools such as the SmartBoard. Sometimes an activity might take longer using technology rather than just doing it the traditional way. Technology in the classroom will succeed if it is used wisely and efficiently. As someone who has grown up with technology my whole life, I like to think that I am very good at operating it. My family had our very first computer by the time I was about three years old. It didn't have the capabilities that a computer today has, but it was definitely a start. And as time went on, our computers advanced. Anytime we would get a new one, I would be the first to use it and explore every feature. I still think I'm pretty tech-savvy. However, there are times when I run into issues with my lap top or even cell phone and I'll have to do a Google search to see what others have to say. Sometimes this can be very frustrating if the answer isn't found right away. If someone like myself who is good at using technology has problems, you could imagine how hard it might be for someone who has never used or hasn't grown up with technology.

In my classroom, I think there needs to be a balance between technology and the traditional classroom style. After learning about some of the websites that can be beneficial to students, I found that they seem very successful. However, I may want to try out the traditional style of teaching first to see the progress my students make. After a couple weeks of that, I would incorporate Khan Academy or ShowMe into the class and see how the students perform. If it helps the students, I would keep using it. Even if it helps just a few students, maybe those students could continue using these technology tools. These websites and applications can sometimes make students think critically and work together. Sometimes the 4Cs are not touched on enough in the traditional style of teaching. I think that when it comes to technology, it's all about adjusting our teaching styles however we can in order for our students to perform to the best of their abilities.

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